Saturday, November 25, 2006

Yesterday I went for open house to look around for awhile. It was kinda like last year's. Nothing really interesting. Alot of parents though.

Anyway I walked to 96 bustop and took a detour by crossing the road. You know, to the bustop behind NUS High? Yeah I know I'm weird. Anyway took a joyride on 196 to Commonwealth MRT. Anyway I saw this lady in red polka-dotted shoes. Those kind of wedge shoes. And it looked like she was balancing on the Empire State Building. Right. Cause the shoe was designed such that it was the base which extends up to the wedge and opens up. And the material enclosing the foot is like damn flimsy, so she was tottering about precociously in those atrocious shoes. The fabric around her ankle didn't really help much either.

And at Jurong East MRT I saw this young girl, around 4 years old. Seriously obese. Triple chins. I wonder if its the genes or if her parents are irresponsible.

Anyway I was thinking about my primary school days and I remember this incident that happened to me. That time was during recess, and I just finished helping a teacher to bring books to the staff room. So I went back to class to get my wallet and I think I was standing between 5M and 5L. Its right at the end of the corridor. The toilet and staircase leading down was situated there. So I was outside the classrooms, between them, when all of a sudden the doors flew open. It was damn scary. I mean, you could attribute that to the wind or something but the scary thing was that all the 4 doors of each classroom just BANGED open. From the inside out. It was all closed before that, and there was no wind at all. Cause the classrooms have curtains hanging at the windows and if there was wind the curtains would have been moving. And the windows were all closed tightly. How could wind blow the doors open from inside?! Anyway I was like freaked out and ran down the staircase. What the fuck. Whats more the whole corridor was deserted because everyone was at recess. Oh my god I'm crying now -.-

Anyway its scary okay. )':


And during Sec 1 Sports Day I was in school waiting for my father. Around 8 plus. So I was bored and started playing with my camera phone. Snapped a few shots of the canteen. It was rather dark already, the sun was setting. Anyway when I got home I uploaded the shots into my computer. And what turned out looked like a man sitting at the canteen table at the pillar, you know the tablet infront of the drinks stall? The strange thing was that I recall no one was there at all. Maybe it was reflection or something. But reflection of what? Pity I don't have the picture now. Maybe Charlene still has it. But it wasn't really scary compared to my pri school incident. Right.

Can't really imagine NanHua being haunted. But I remember every time after school I would stay back and hang around. Once I was in the classroom sitting on the table and talking to Craig then I heard someone screaming. That someone, don't know if its a he or she or it or whatever, screamed for very long. I mean if you screamed the most you can only scream for, what, 5 mins? But it/she/he/whatever was screaming for about 19mins. I remember because I was looking at my watch. It sounded like it was coming from the rooftop of the block overlooking the field. Strangely enough Craig didn't seem to hear anything. I know I remember this because after we finish talking and went for lunch he almost banged his head on the fire extinguisher. He thought it was someone. -.-

Pfft. Nanhua is haunted? Hmm.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

Fashion spread is dying a horrible death. Even with my trusty pencil its really difficult to define the textures and stuff. Especially the textures. Its driving me up the wall! Oh my god ): And when I finally get the textures correct, pencil smudges easily. And I can't wax it yet cause I haven't decided if I'm going to color it.

Still haven't mastered drawing body and facial features. Not to mention the hands! Its a nightmare. My body shape just doesn't look right to me. Bloody *. And my mouse is coming apart at the wires. I think i need to wind copper wire around it. Again.

Anyway yeah I'm going to try drawing. Pfft.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Yesterday, there was no choir, and being blur, I went to school. Spent half an hour there trying to source out a group which was not there and then I met Judith. Seems like she didn't know there was no choir either. Hahaha. I saw Ian! :D Haha. Ian the BGR man.

Anyway isn't it ironic? Yesterday there was choir and I showed up. Today there is going to be choir and I'm not going to show up. Cause I'm going out of the country to visit some cousin(s). Lol. My mom was like, "Jamie tomorrow you got CCA?"

Then she didn't wait for my answer, she went

"Don't care, we going Malaysia tomorrow for awhile, what you want to bring you better go bring now. Ask Bob also."


and she walks away to talk to my father about childcare stuff.

Right-o. So, I'm off to Malaysia in half an hour. Choir people, don't kill me, this is not intentional pon-ning. Anyway theres still cultural pot. Ahh!

Authorities are banning violent games in Germany, cause some student got a gun and shot 27 people. And then he set off several smoke bombs and suicided. Cause he claimed that teachers treated him like a loser.

Review this scenario.


ITS BLOODY UNREALISTIC! No offense to Germany, but this isn't some likely future for any kid. Sure, ban games. Theres the INTERNET. Where you can play VIOLENT GAMES, and FOR FREE. Might as well ban GUNS to all people except the registered authorities. -.-

Again, this will never happen to 209 people. You know why? Cause all the names we call each other are taken to be jokes, even if the person really meant the insult. Ha. Haha. Or maybe our egos are so bloody big that we can't be hurt by words alone. Yay for 209! :P

Back to the issue at hand. No use banning GAMES. Ban the WEAPONS that are used to KILL. What were they thinking?

I'm going to "pack" now. Yeah. And eat breakfast. And play violent video games. Ciao (:

You say jump I'll say how high


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Left nails look like crap -.- Since I'm right handed I have no excuse to give. Played audition with Cheryl while I painted my nails. So I missed alot. Right. Wet nails and 140+bpm songs just don't mix. And don't label me a bimbo. -.- COZ I WAS JUST PAINTING MY NAILS. Bloody bored. Nail and hammer. Okay so random-ized.

Anyway this is like the 3rd time I'm posting today. Eheee. Have to do math. Lousy. Bored. BORED. Ohman I'm so bloody bored. Live Messenger isn't cheering me up AT ALL. It kinda sucks, actually. Hard to navigate the options. Maybe I'll uninstall it or something.

I lost my photoshop. Now my computer has Seus somewhere. Some other Linux/Debian/Non-Windows program. I'M GOING TO GO BLOODY BALLISTIC IF MY BRO CRASHES MY COMP AGAIN. After I've installed AuditionSEA and my Sims... T_T Ohmygod... *clicks Save like a maniac*

I need to buy a new portable hardrive. The 200GB one. Anyone want to buy for me? :P

Anyway I better go to sleep now. Or shit is going to hit the fan. Ceiling. Both. Whatever.

Why do you do what you do to me baby
You're shaking my confidence, driving me crazy
You know if I could I'd do anything for you
Please don't ignore me cause you know I adore you
hardcore, man.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Fashion spread coming along quite well; better than I expected. Need to improve on eyes. Looks kinda anime-ish. Bad. Not that anime is bad. I wanted to eyes to look real. But real eyes are boring.

Realised I'm rambling.
Anyway the eye checkup was so-so, boring. At least I don't need to change my spectacles cause my degree stayed just about the same.

Rip goes the pages of my life, fluttering in the damp breeze, disintegrating into many irreplacable fragments.
Look, as a new page flips and the blank whiteness burns your eyes.

That sounded kinda morbid. Burn burn BURN.

laid bare before your eyes but you are blinded to the truth.

11:38 PM; SEXYs' BACK BABY./ღY

My bro crashed my whole comp by installing Linux Debian. So what the * I have to wait for one whole week for my comp to be okay again. Not to mention he "accidentally" deleted my D-drive so its still abit screwy.

Nevermind. But lost all my avatars, pictures, music >:(

Today there was choir, or rather, there is choir. Now. But can't go cause I'm going for eyesight checkup at 10.30. Right smack in the middle of choir. Convenient. Read the Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time. The guy sounds like hes autistic.

Anyway I want to go iceskating again, but its like, the iceskating rink is always so bloody small? You'd think with the land capacity of Singapore and all the new malls going up they'd built a bigger skating rink but nooooooo, you keep seeing the same shops over, and over, and over again. Topshop, how many branches are there in Sg already? Mango. Giorgio Armani. Swatch. Lp-Zone. G.A.P. SaSa. Starbucks. CoffeeBean. ToysR'Us. The horror. So many more unwanted shops for people to spend their money in. Its not really about convenience, since VivoCity is so AWAY from civilisation. Actually not really, but its far. To most people. Except those staying along the purple line.

The only reason I want to go VivoCity is to check out the cinema. I heard it was really good. Hmm. The balcony thing that overlooks the dock really sucks though. The floor is made of wood. It'll be rotting away in no time. But the space of water that Vivo provided for little kids to swim in is kinda cool. But the potted plant decorations isn't really helping, since most of the stones in the pots ends up in the water. And seeing naked infants in the water with their siblings trying to drown them isn't really visually appealing, so I think Vivo didn't know what to do with all that extra space. Maybe they're going to convert it into more shops or something :/

Haven't been watching any movies in a while. Like, one year 2 movies? Funny xD Anyway I don't see any point of spending $8 on watching a show that you can *. But I still like the cinema ambience :D

Must save money. Holidays not over yet, still have plenty of things to do. Save for next year's expenditure. LOL. Save for para, although its seriously expensive ><><><><><><

Hmm. Anyone want to go swimming with me? :D I want more books to read! TOMSON. Artemis Fowl. Lend me. Nono, give me :D

You'd think with our Y Generation everyone would be busy asking questions but negatori everyone is busy dissing other people. -.-
1 "Eh i heard * stole ** boyfriend leh." (rumour starter)
2 "Really arh? I thought ** dumped him first?"(add fuel to fire)
1 "No lah you stupid isit. She steal *** first den ** dump ***?"
3 "Wah bitch eh." (interested)
1 "Ya lah. But right, you all cannot tell anyone I tell you all okay."
2 & 3 "Okay lah. No problem."


2 "Eh * very jian la" (hand gestures)
4 "Why? What happened?" (curious)


2 "Tell you arh, you don't talk to * okay. She steal bf de."
5 "Really arh? Walao eh, okay." (monkey see monkey do)


2 "You all don't friend * already okay. She did *thisthisthisthis*"
6789 "Duh."


And that cycle goes on and on and on. 1 was bored so she/he/it started the gossip session. 2 pretends to be sympathetic for ** and disses *. 3 is just an extra. 2 starts the more serious kind of rumour. She tells people not to befriend * because of something that didn't happen. 1 just probably heard the rumour from somewhere else. So you see, the whole thing was fueled by 2. And stuff. So not personal.

Sometimes stuff like that really hits the fan and shit starts blowing everywhere. Whoever 2 is, I really would like to kill he/she/it/them.

Don't spam me. I think some people may find this offensive, maybe because he/she/it/them is/are/was 2? I don't know.

Moral of the story/play/conversations : PEOPLE! DON'T SPREAD GOSSIP. Although scoff you may but it might/will happen to you someday.

I realised I've used alot of obliques. Lol.

im screaming but i haven't made a sound.


Talking to Cherng Yew is like talking to PINKCHICKENMANXIAOBOYBOY.

And did you hear about the guy who changed his name to all the James Bond titles? What the * HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. GOLDFINGER. Sick :X

Anyway my piano theory teacher is here, left about ten questions. No matter, my brother can go first. I shall rush rush rush! Cherng Yew is still in full flow about Chiang Mai, can't really shut him up yet. He is insisting he is a MAN. So bhb -.- AMANDA :X Oookay so random.


You know what, seeing as I'm so short and theres going to be plenty of Secondary 1s milling about next year, I might as well tie plaits, wear long socks, tuck in my shirt, have no ear studs, wear bright shiny white school shoes, no jewellery, wear a big fat heavy backpack, wear my spectacles *breathe* and I will look like a total Sec1. SEE IM SO BLOODY SHORT. Heck, I think most of the Sec1s next year will be taller than me. Why are kids so tall these days? What nonsense are their parents force feeding them?! I WANT ALSO.


12:40 AM; SEXYs' BACK BABY./ღY

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Went out with Cheryl and Amanda. Supposed to meet at Bugis but changed the venue to City Hall instead. Cause Amanda said it as easier to decide where to go. So... while Cheryl and I were on the MRT at Clementi, Amanda sms-ed me:

"i hope you're at city hall already!!"

Well, something like that. But no, we were at Clementi. Amanda just HAD to be hours early. Okay, one hour. Anyway Cheryl wanted to take the middle line back to City Hall, which was like 56mins. In the end took the 26mins route. Met Amanda. And she wasn't wearing home clothes. Which means we couldn't go to the arcade! ):

Anyway went to Heeren. I kept walking the wrong way. Yeah, the movies were quite late so we decided not to watch anything. Went to eat at Yoshinoya and then took neoprints. Bball! Haha. Was being damn spastic at Yoshinoya. I didn't have spoon or chopsticks -.- the people didn't give any utensils to me. What was I supposed to do, eat with my freaking hands?!

So Cheryl didn't drink her soup. At least her phone didn't drink the soup either. HAHA. Still remember. Anyway she started playing with her straw and I started playing with my straw and we all started playing with each other's straws. So retarded. As usual we mixed up all the food and coke and soup and stuff, until Amanda told me the cashier guy was staring at us. So we left quickly. xD I bought chocolate ice cream, and being a nice person, I shared it with Amanda and Cheryl. Well actually I couldn't finish it :X

They wanted to buy this stupid shirt for bunman and cut it into half or something. Horny shirt! I love the shirts. And stuff. (:

Anyway, we went to Taka. I think we were trying to find the MRT and we went into Taka. So we bought more food. PRETZELS! :D:D:D I asked the lady for extra salt and she looked at me like I was a psycho. Sat on the steps like homeless people and ate our pretzels. And Amanda started complaining that she wanted to go home. So we finished up quickly. I ate a whole pinch of * pretzel salt! I thought the white stuff at the bottom of the packet was like cheese or something. What the *

Amanda went home. And Cheryl and I went to Dhoby Ghaut. Well actually we took the wrong line so I think we took alot more time than we should have. LOL. Got lost there and went to Plaza Sing. Asked the control station guy where was PCBunk.

REACHED PCBUNK. Damn cool. I tried to reset my pin but turned out I lost my email account password too -.- Anyway we went to try out for an hour and it like SO ROCKED. Whee. But one hour passed by quick, so after paying we went arcade. And now I owe Cheryl 9 bucks.

Reached home damn late. Plan to go PcBunk again (:

10:54 PM; SEXYs' BACK BABY./ღY

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Today there was choir. It was nice. Tomorrow I have dental, then going pcbunk for awhile. So bored now...

I need to update my ez-link card. And GST is going up by 2%. My brother is complaining that his mentos will be more expensive already. Haha. He says he should have stocked up on extra mentos.

Hmm read the comic in Life!
Danae & Father "Hey do you have a duck?"
Bartender "Why?"
Danae & Father "Oh we were just wondering if the duck's quack echoes."
All "..."
*Danae & Father leaves the bar*
Bartender "..."
Bartender "Dammit. Does a duck's quack echo?" (thinks to himself)

I mean, all sounds echo right? -.- Unless you screamed into a black hole or something.

Which reminds me, will insects die if they eat wasabe? They'll probably blow up right. Hmm. Now I have three $50 notes, three $10 notes, a $2 note and two 50cent coins. Which brings me to the total amount of... $183. Don't ask me to give you any money cause I can't. And I don't want to. I'm a selfish biatch (: Besides, $100 goes into my dental fund, $52.50 into my ez-link and the rest is misc money. If only all the money could be spent at leisure. Sigh.

My mom is complaining about me reading rocket science. It isn't terribly interesting, but it sure kills time. Anyway I have to do like, 20 pages of music theory now.

Someone stab me.

Question of the day:
What is biltong? I keep seeing this word everywhere and I've finally found out what it means. It even has a recipe! SURPRISE. Lol.

Apparently biltong is cured beef. Simplify: preserved meat.

Anyway yeah I'm going now. Bye.


Monday, November 13, 2006


Choir is exhausting and piano theory is taking up most of my time. Tomorrow theres a performance at Victoria Concert Hall. Honestly I'm really sick of that place. Been there about a million times. Recordings, concerts, recitals. Now going there to sing, ohmygod. ):

Anyway I'm chionging piano theory now. My piano teacher is coming in like, a few minutes and I still have 10 more pages to go. What the * I hate theory.

Bought my school books already (:

I have no idea what to type anymore. Can't really type retarded since I'm typing so proper. But I just realised I'm starting to type like a retard already. Anyway I'm bored. (Did I mention I was bored?) Yeah. I'm bored. And still stoning at my theory book.

Lately I've been living off 1.5ml coke, ham and seaweed chicken. Oh, and strepsils too. See my diet is horrible. Anyway pretty boy promised to treat me to swensens. He better keep his word. Which reminds me, LIANGJIE. Wheres my Sushi Tei?! (:

Amanda still seems fully booked this week T____T
I want to walk in vivo's water. CHERYL. You be free too. I know bunman is almost always free ;)

Joy my teacher is here. Watch me get slaughtered.

tell me what you see; but open your eyes first lah.

12:32 AM; SEXYs' BACK BABY./ღY

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Whats the point of hanging on to something that you know is going to leave you someday? You could enjoy it while it lasted, guaranteed, but still you should know when to let go.

Relationships never last forever, so whats the point of saying, "I will love you forever and ever." ? Twits having relationships are so common. Take Friendster for example, its not uncommon to see the girl's profile saying something like,

-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`LuRbbe ******* foR3vA -`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

And stating the guy's name like LG or swEEtiiEpiiE or whatever.
And the guy's profile? The girl probably copied and pasted her profile to him and he just changed his name to her name. When they break up, maybe the profile stays the same, just that the names are changed. Or worse,

-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`eUU broKe muaii haRtt, ii can neBerr luRve agaiiN

Like *rolls eyes* whatever? The ratio of "normal" people to people in "love" in Friendster is probably like, 1:10000000000....0? This isn't an attack to people who type like that, you know, each to his/her own? Anyway the point being "forever" used in this context is totally RETARDED. Only people with true courage will say "forever" and actually mean it. Something. Whatever.

This is bullshit but it actually makes sense to me you know? Don't take it as if I've been dumped, cause I don't have a boyfriend at all. Good riddance. And Josh is a girl! I insist he/she/it is :P

I feel like being sarcastic. Too bad if you don't like my sarcasm. Flame me if you want, I don't really give a shit.

Liangjie just sent me this paragraph:

A man was in his front yard mowing grass when his neighbor, a Blonde, came out of the house and went straight to the mailbox. She opened it, looked inside, slammed it shut, and stormed back into her house.
A little later she came out of her house again, looking nervous, went to the mailbox, again opened it, and slammed it shut again.
Angrily, back into the house she went. As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, here our Blonde came again,looking very heated up. She marched to the mailbox, opened it and then slammed it shut harder than ever. Puzzled by her actions, the man asked her,"Is something wrong?"
To which the ferocious Blonde replied, " There certainly is! My stupid computer keeps telling me I have mail!"

See how the "blonde" is spelt with a capital B? Emphasis on Blonde. And the "joke" makes the blonde sound stupid. Are blondes actually stupid? I did some research into this "myth" and the results are.. uhm.. !#$%^&*()_+@

In the past blonde hair was rarer than black or brown hair, hence the jealousy. So people made the blondes seem stupid so that they could find some comfort in NOT having blonde hair themselves. So this whole "people jealousy" thing goes back a long way, huh. Like today's society. Scary. In conclusion,
blondes are seen as stupid because of reaction against the old image of blonde as beautiful, class jealousy, their image of being sexual promiscuous, and the contributions of the rich, famous, and airheaded. Paris Hilton isn't exactly stupid you know. Define stupid.

Hmm. Does that mean if I dye my hair blonde I'm stupid? A whole heap of bullshit. Its just like racism. Color is a barrier? What the *. Good riddance Singapore promotes racial harmony. Such influence really corrupts the young generation. Especially racist parents who teach their children to discriminate. Tsk tsk. People. Do not stereotype. I think I've got to start following own philosophy.


Tomson has his family outing of leftover pizza, FFXII and Artemis Fowl. How interesting. I know people who will find that information extremely useful. Muahhaha Tomson I'm going to blackmail you. (:

And AMANDAANG. Get braces! Before you contract STDS. Before you die. Before its too late! And, just because. Cheers.

Anyway the whole point of this post is not to stereotype and GIRLS, if you're dumped, GET OVER THE GUY. If he likes some other bitch so be it. You're not that bitch. That's too bad, life goes on, kick the wall, and start smiling. Coz you're single again. Woot. Positive.

What really bites my ass is how we Sec 3s are going to be crowding around the whiteboard trying to find our class, like Sec 1s.

And guess what? The Singapore Biennale is ending on Sunday and we still haven't got our tickets. What is the school playing at.

Not good.


Yesterday I met Cheryl at Lot 1. Went to Kbox straightaway. We got a room without further delay. Cheers. Not like the * service we got last time. -.-

Anyway Room number 22. :D I liked the seats. Kbox had this promotion thingy. Anyway the drinks were nice. Stole Cheryl's cherry. Haha sick :X This time we didn't skip the songs. Oh well we didn't skip ALOT of songs. We usually sing halfway and skip the rest.

Felt hungry so we ordered food. And the food took like an * half an hour to arrive. We ate up all their tomato sauce. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

After that, took neos and went arcade. Played bball. WOOT. And of course para-ed. Went broke.

Ate icecream. (:

I want to go vivo. (:

Today there was choir. I skipped choir. Partly cause I didn't want to stand for three hours in sub-zero temperature. And partly cause I didn't really know the lyrics. So I stayed home to read through the score and do chemistry. Haha.

I'm bored.
Someone please bring me out of my boredomness.
And just for indulgence, rah.

My brain is giving up on itself.
Save me.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Yeah so hi (:
Turns out Mozilla kind of sucks with Blogger, so I decided to get my revenge by typing nicely. Not that it cares anyway.

Just came back from WestMall. I ate alot today. Liangjie, won't you be happy to know that I may be getting fat?

Anyway I was thinking about my life (doing math for 2 hours tends to do that to a person) and i realised that overall, it was okay.
As in, not Secondary life okay. As in, Life life okay.
Well, here are some factors I think I should be thankful of, however minute the details may be:

1) I have nice hair on my head, that thankfully isn't spoilt by 2 dye jobs in a period of less than 2 months

2) I have big eyes (or so I'm told) O.O

3) My eyelashes are more than 0.8cm long. (I've measured them)

Oh oh, PEOPLE. DON'T FIDDLE AROUND WITH YOUR EYELASHES. I read that it takes at least 5 months for ONE eyelash to grow back. *gasp* THE HORROR. And all this while I've been trying in vain not to let my eyelashes fall into my eyes so as not to irritate my lenses. Now I can't prevent that from happening anymore, not if I want nice long healthy lashes. Do you want nice long healthy lashes? :P

4) I'm 159cm tall. (Dear Rachel measured me, she can testify to that. Maybe the measuring ruler was faulty. Maybe it was missing a few centimeters, who knows?)

5) My school shoes are flexible! I don't know I just like the fact that it is. Don't ask me why. I don't know why either.

6) I have my own Tablet PC! But it's sort of becoming Pinxuan's Tablet now, he uses it more than I do.

7) I know how to play the piano. Ok I know many people know how to play the piano, but many people don't either. So being able to play piano is good, you know? It adds value to your life.

8) I got good enough grades to get into Higher Art! Ok so did many people, never mind.

9) My Geography is good? Yeah? Yeah.

10) I have a nice brother. He helps me with everything I do, especially MATH. ESPECIALLY MATH. Emphasis on math. MATH T_____T

11) I get $25 a week. Not alot, but enough. I'm not complaining.

12) I can ice skate. Ok many people can ice skate too, but I can ice skate. Thats something, seeing as my balance is totally off the scale. Lol.

13) I got my own room. I painted my own walls. I painted my own designs on my walls. I stenciled my own patterns on my walls. Hurray.

14) I have a swing suspended from my bedroom ceiling. I don't really use it often though.

15) I have my own Panasonic (goodness knows what model) aircon.

16) I have my own bed. Cheers.

17) I have tons of clothes. And a pair of boots. Do you have a pair of boots? :D

18) I'm happy with how I look, I wouldn't change my looks for the world.

Hmm, lets see what else. This list could go on forever, you know. HMMM. Think Jamie think!

19) I get food to eat everyday. (Although I don't eat food everyday)


Argh I'm going to stop now. I just found an eyelash on my table. AHHH. Not to mention my left eye is turning red. Really have to remove my lenses now. And contrary to those jealous I-want-but-don't-have-contact-lenses-so-I'm-gonna-put-those-who-have-down people, open your eyes, you don't wear contact lenses just to make you look more attractive. F.Y.I, when you wear contact lenses your eyebags tend to me revealed. And if you have small eyes, when your spectacles are off your eyes tend to look smaller. Contact lenses are nearer to your eyes so you won't squint as much and ruin you eyesight, understand?

Hmm, something just occured to me. Those Make-Your-Eyes-Look-Bigger Contact Lenses they're marketing out there? If you, like most Asians, have small (attractive but apparently they don't think so) eyes, if you use the product, won't you have weird big irises and small eyes? So will your eyes be totally black? I mean, the lenses won't stretch your eyes open, will it? I wore hard lenses before, opening your eyes is already a strain. Furthermore, the product is categorized under "Soft Lenses". So what does it really do? Make you look like a martian? I need someone to test it out for me. My parents will kill me if I get those. I can't even wear colored lenses, for crying out loud.

My blister on my right ankle was obtained from ice skating. It isn't really hurting like hell, but its' still irritating the crap out of me.

Anyway I might be going out tomorrow, so I better get these lenses clean and spiffy. Ciao.


today went for choir at 9
was damn tiring
evil teacher made us sing high

den after choir
walk to bustop
den maylynn and jianhui behind me
den i keep spamming her with smses xD

went home,
found px using my comp again
changed and went to meet bunman

go ice skating

fell in love with this CUTEEEE shuai ge!
billabong shirt!
this cute cute 5-7 year old.
zomg.!! CUTE.
he was wearing all black xD
i got pics of him!
muahahah im a stalker ;D
never ice skating for so long alrdy
some asshole pangseh me again.

after that wasted like $10 on arcade
i didnt know can hold down the knn trigger la!
den play drum :D
and para
and yay lots of nice nice stuff

den annabel and weixin take so long to decide what they want xD

after that went macs
bunman eat damn fast.

i smuggled the food on the train
westmall has BK!!
i want to drink bubbletea T______T
withdrawal symptons.

meeting j<3>
yay yay yay <3

aiyah broke.

someone jio me go kbox PLEASE T_________T
cheryl. leong.
you see your name?




Monday, November 06, 2006

went lot1 just now
bought bubbletea, ice cream cake and the lychee ice cream
yumyum (:

yay im growing fat xD
asthma ok alrdy :D

supposed to meet josh today
but got ncc ):
never mind tuesday (:

pangseh-ed craig today :X
anyway i had piano at 6 so cannot go iceskating.
:P loser.

i bought lpzone jeans
its like too big for me :S

got choir tmr!

maybe px coming over tmr
damn it.
my laptop!
nooo T_____T

bunman. $70.

x2 JOSH (: - imyourACEhighROYALflush (: says:
no you say $50 already horh

Jx2 JOSH (: - imyourACEhighRO
YALflush (: says:
cannot go back on your promise

LIANGJIE.[b](: [/b] '[c=28]<3 APRICOT[/c] says:

LIANGJIE.[b](: [/b] '[c=28]<3 APRICOT[/c] says:
u say $50 de ah

LIANGJIE.[b](: [/b] '[c=28]<3 APRICOT[/c] says:
i wanted to treat 70

LIANGJIE.[b](: [/b] '[c=28]<3 APRICOT[/c] says:

LIANGJIE.[b](: [/b] '[c=28]<3 APRICOT[/c] says:

LIANGJIE.[b](: [/b] '[c=28]<3 APRICOT[/c] says:

Jx2 JOSH (: - imyourACEhighROYALflush (: says:
you got so much money?

Jx2 JOSH (: - imyourACEhighROYALflush (: says:

Jx2 JOSH (: - imyourACEhighROYALflush (: says:

Jx2 JOSH (: - imyourACEhighROYALflush (: says:
$70 it is



peanut butter is sick.
and yummy (:

12:50 AM; SEXYs' BACK BABY./ღY

Friday, November 03, 2006

been pretty bored lately,
still sick.

missed two choir practices, really need to get back to sch
i want to know my math results!

im sure i did okay.

maybe watching death note next week
ice skating
sushi tei.
sushi tei.

right enough hints ;)

need to ice skate T_______T
some asshole pangseh me :X

anyway asthma should be recovering anytime soon

yesterday went for concert
2 solo one duet

reached home at around 11+
tired ><

shall stop blogging
i need to go out ><



:D jamie wong
:D sec209'06
:D sweet 4TEEN.!
:D bday<3children'sday./
:D future HCJC student./

:D to understand math ><
:D grey/dark green contacts
:D crystal studded GUESS wallet
:D me need chains x(
:D lasik./
:D better grades./
:D straighter hair.! (w/o rebonding)

:S unfinished hw./
:S math ><



Website Hit Counters

twonine (:


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